Charity Contributions

In line with the mission of respecting life and caring for the earth, IOSOI hopes to spread the message of caring for life. We would donate 1% of our profits to the SAA, hoping to help more abandoned animals.

About SAA
Society for Abandoned Animals (SAA) was established on June 4, 1997 by a group of animal welfare ' activist. The motto of SAA is "Love Animal, Respect Life, No Killing or Abandoning". It was officially registered as a local charitable organization on May 28, 1998.
Regardless of the fact that animals are abandoned, physically impaired, senile or unhealthy, SAA always strives to rehome all of their animals and they have to, SAA will take care of the animals until the end of their lives. Literally “No Killing No Abandoning”! Every successful adoption brings SAA so much joy and impels them towards their goal of helping more abandoned animals.